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Mark Honegger

Professor of English

Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1997

Office: Griffin 221
Phone: 337-482-6907

Teaching and Research Areas

Linguistics, Speech/Writing Differences, TESOL, Malay


Mark Honegger’s books English Grammar for Writing (Houghton Mifflin 2005) teaches grammar from the perspective of comparing with speech with writing, while Building Vocabularies (Kendall Hunt 2014) teaches vocabulary based on semantic, phonetic and orthographic criteria.

His articles/chapters include:

“No Grammar and Grammar Appreciation: Two Approaches to the G-Word” and “ESL and Dialects in the Writing Classroom” in Winning Ways of Coaching Writing: A Practical Guide for Teaching Writing, Grades 6-12 (Allyn & Bacon, 2001).

“I Have More Sight than Sense,” Mosaic 47.3, 123-40, September 2014.

“What does ‘Education’ Mean: Cultural Values in Educational Language.” Journal of Culture and Values in Education, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2020:42-53.

“The Lived Experiences of International Students in Higher Education During COVID-19.” (co-written with Rose Honegger), Research Issues in Contemporary Education, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2020: 72-93.

“Where is the fiction? Art’s Audience in a World of Technique.” The Ellul Forum, No. 70, Fall 2022.

“What Happened to Ethics During the Pandemic? A Comparison of Edward Hall’s Triad and Jacques Ellul’s Technique.” The Ellul Forum, No. 71, Spring 2023.

He was a co-P.I. on a $2.3 million grant from the Department of Education, “English Transformation Center for Sustainable and Scalable Success,” 2017-2022.