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English Faculty Publications and Presentations in 2019

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Hoagland, Sadie. American Grief in Four Stages, West Virginia University Press.
Awarded a Kirkus Star.

Ingram, Shelley. Implied Nowhere: Absence and Betrayal in Folklore Studies, co-authored with Todd Richardson and Willow Mullins, University Press of Mississippi.

Rice, Charles Claiborne. Folk Illusions: Children, Folklore, and the Sciences of Perception, co-authored with K. Brandon Barker. Indiana University Press, 2019. Interviewed about the book by Susana Martinez-Conde, Scientific American (“The Illusionists on the Playground: What Folk Illusions Reveal about Children’s Perception and Cognition,” 2019,

Vaught, Jennifer. Architectural Rhetoric in Shakespeare and Spenser. Medieval Institute Publications of Western Michigan University Press.

Feature Film Documentary

Richard, Charles E., screenwriter.  Seize & Secure: The Battle for La Fiere. Louisiana Public Broadcasting. Premiered PBS, June 6, 2019.
Suncoast Emmy Award for Best Historical Documentary.


Beddok, Virgile, director and producer. 2 instructional videos in a series on drumming for the Stanton Moore Drum Academy,
Nominated for Best Educational Product, Modern Drum Magazine.

Professional Writing

Gonzales, Randy. Advance Student Research Experience: Quality Enhancement Plan for the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Dec. 2019.

---. “St. Malo,” Louisiana State Historical Marker. St. Bernard, LA, Nov. 2019.

Academic Articles in Journals

duQuesnay, Maurice. "The Unsung Heroism of Dr. Mandelet."  Explorations the Twentieth Century, vol. 14, 2019, pp. 91-103.

Feist, Michele I. “Mapping Space: A Comparative Study,” co-authored with Y. Zhang. In  (Eds.), Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, edited by A. Goel, C. Seifert, & C. Freksa , Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1717-1723.

Laudun, John. “TED Talks as Data,” co-authored with Katherine Kinnaird, Journal of Cultural Analytics, July 19, 2019, DOI: 10.31235/

---. “Trucks under Water: A Legend from the 2016 Flood.” Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, vol. 28, 2019, pp. 20–36.

Orr, Leah. “Prices of English Books at Auction c. 1680,” The Library, 7th series, vol. 20.4, 2019, pp. 501-526.

---.  “Property, Money, and Benevolence in The Mysteries of Udolpho,” Essays in Romanticism 26.1 (2019), pp. 71-88.

Ratliff, Clancy. “Feminist Authorial Agency: Copyright and Collaboration in the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective,” Peitho, vol. 21, no. 3, 2019.

---. “The Adaptive Cycle: Resilience in the History of First-Year Composition,” Pedagogy, vol. 19, no. 2, 2019, pp. 283-300.

---. “Plagiarism and Authorship: A Review and Retrospective of the CCCC Intellectual Property Annual,” Kairos, vol. 24,

Ryan, Laurel. “Parliamentary Gothic: The Art of History in Canada’s Parliament Buildings.” Mosaic, An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, vol. 52.3 (2019).

Vaught, Jennifer. “Hamlet, Parody, Seinfeld, and American Comedy,” in SMART (Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching), vol. 26.1, 2019, pp. 61-76.

Chapters in Edited Collections

Goodwin, Jonathan. “Machine-Generated Microgenres,” The Microgenre: A Quick Look at Small Culture, edited by Anne Stevens and Molly O’Donnell, Bloomsbury.

Laudun, John. “Folklore as a Networked Economy: How a Recently-Invented-but-Traditional Artifact Reveals the Way Folkloric Production Has Always Worked.,” Folklorists in the Marketplace, edited by Willow Mullins and Puja Batra-Wells, Utah State University Press, pp. 26-46.

McDonald, James. “The Sophist as Mentor: Sharon Crowley’s Rhetoric as a Theory and Practice of Mentoring,” co-authored with William Lalicker and Susan Wyche, Reinventing (with) Theory in Rhetoric and Writing Studies: Essays in Honor of Sharon Crowley, edited by Andrea Alden, Kendall Gerdes, Judy Holiday, and Ryan Skinnell, Utah State UP, pp. 83-99.

Short Stories

Alexander, Jessica. “Bath.” The New Delta Review, 5 May 2019,

Graley, Lisa. "Burial Ground." The Slow Release: Stories about Death from the Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction, edited by Ethan Laughman, University of Georgia Press, pp. 203-226.

Hoagland, Sadie. “Extra Patriotic,” South Carolina Review, Feb. 2019.

---. “Frog Prince,” South Dakota Review, Feb. 2019.

McNally, John. "The Devil in the Details." HyperText, Fall 2019, pp. 32-49.

---. "The Next Morning." Booth, Sept. 27, 2019,

Full-Length Play

Stetco, Dayana, writer, director, and producer. Fugue. Soundtrack edited and mixed by Virgile Beddok. Performed April 2019, produced by the Milena Theatre Group and Achilles Print Studio, Lafayette.

Creative Nonfiction

McNally, John. “Gratitude for the Art of Redemption.” Sharing Gratitude: Daily Reflections, edited by Mary M. Dalton, Library Partners Press, p. 41.


Rossouw, Henk. “Elegy for the Gesture.” Poetry Daily, 23 June 2019.

Journal Issue

Dorwick, Keith, editor. Technoculture.

duQuesnay, Maurice, co-editor, and Jack Ferstel, associate editor. Explorations: The Twentieth Century, vol. 14.

Ingram, Shelley, editor. Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, vol. 28.

Ratliff, Clancy, editor. CCCC Intellectual Property Annual.


duQuesnay, Maurice, Albert Fields, and James McDonald. “Interview with Cleanth Brooks,” co-authored with Maurice W. duQuesnay and Albert W. Fields, edited by J. C. Marler, Explorations: The Twentieth Century, vol. 14, 2019, pp. 108-42.

Rossouw, Henk, and Rodrigo Toscano. “‘Staying in Range’: An Interview with Rodrigo Toscano and a Portfolio of New Work from In Range.” Tupelo Quarterly, no. 18, 14 Jul. 2019.


Rossouw, Henk. “On the Poetics of Xamissa.” The Volta, no. 69, Oct. 2019.

Other Articles, Editorials, and Essays

Hoagland, Sadie. Short articles in The Writer’s Digest and elsewhere.

Honegger, Mark. “A Note on Genesis 2:17.” Fulfilled Magazine, 14:1, Summer 2019.

Rossouw, Henk. “An Introduction to Henneh Kyereh Kwaku.” Tupelo Quarterly, no. 19, 15 Nov. 2019.

---. “An Introduction to Niki Herd.” Tupelo Quarterly, no. 17, 14 Mar. 2019.

---. “An Introduction to Hannah Brooks-Motl.” Tupelo Quarterly, no. 17, 14 Mar. 2019.


Alexander, Jessica. "Sarah Rose Etter’s The Book of X: Review." Full Stop, 4 Oct, 2019. http://www.full-

Geer, Jennifer. Review of Patricia Crane, Reading Children: Literacy, Property, and the Dilemmas of Childhood in Nineteenth-Century America. In Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History, vol. 11, 2019, pp. 64-67.

Ingram, Shelley. Review of Everybody Hurts: Transitions, Ending, and Resurrections in Fan Cultures. Reception, vol. 11, 2019.

Orr, Leah. Review of Chris Ewers, Mobility in the English Novel from Defoe to Austen (Boydell Press, 2018). Studies in the Novel, vol. 51.4, 2019, pp. 603-605.

---. Review of The Oxford Handbook of the Eighteenth-Century Novel, ed. J. A. Downie (Oxford, 2016). Digital Defoe, vol. 11.1, 2019, pp. 75-78.

Ryan, Laurel. “Memorializing Canada: Review of Inhabiting Memory in Canadian Literature / Habiter la mémoire dans la littérature Canadienne, edited by Benjamin Authers, Maïté Snauwert and Daniel Laforest.” Canadian Literature, vol. 238, 2019, pp. 110-111.

Feature Film Premier

Castille, Conni, script supervisor and student internship coordinator. Lost Bayou. Tribeca Film Festival, New York City.

Film Screenings

Castille, Conni, director, writer, producer. King Crawfish, Waterways Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit, Jeanerette Library, Jeanerette, LA

---. T-Galop: A Louisiana Horse Story, Baton Rouge Community College.

Keynote and Featured Conference Presentations

Honegger, Mark. “Using Simple Vocabulary to Talk About Science,” PACE Day, LaTESOL Lafayette, Oct. 2019.

Laudun, John. “Modes of Vernacular Discourse.” American Folklore Society, Baltimore, 2019.

---. “‘Are We Not Doing Phrasing Anymore?’: Re-Thinking Statistical Approaches to Narrative.” Symposium on Data Science & Statistics, Bellevue, WA, 2019.

McDonald, James. Coffee on the Commons: Adjunct and Contingent Faculty Coffee, College English Association Conference, New Orleans, 30 March 2019.

Conference Presentations

Alexander, Jessica. “Teaching the Intertextual Imagination,” Chautauqua Literary Arts Festival, Summer 2019.

---. “The Bear Is at the Door: the Need for Weird Fiction,” &NOW Festival of Innovative Writing, Fall 2019.

Bobo, Elizabeth. "John Donne and Bob Dylan: Lyricists and the Online Forum." John Donne Society Conference, Baton Rouge, Feb. 2019.

Capps, Josh. Presentation, National Conference of Teachers of English, Baltimore, Nov.

Feist, Michele I. & Zhang, Y. “Mapping Space: A Comparative Study.” Poster presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Montreal, 24-27 July 2019.

--- & Leite, J. E. “Metaphorical Cost: Processing of Metaphorical and Literal Language in Alzheimer’s Patients.” Simpósio Internacional de Linguística, Cognição e Cultura–LCC. 13-15 March 2019.

Geer, Jennifer. “Sympathy, Suffering, and Reform in Mary De Morgan’s Fairy Tales.” Children’s Literature Association, Indianapolis, June 2019.

---. “Using Picture Books to Teach Higher-Order Thinking with English Language Learners” and “Using Picture Books to Teach Language Acquisition with English Language Learners,” PACE Day, LATESOL, Lafayette, Oct. 2019.

Gonzales, Randy. “A ‘Strange Colony’ in the Swamp: Reception of Filipino Settlers in 19th Century Louisiana,” Association for Asian American Studies Conference, Madison, WI. 26 Apr. 2019.

---. “Telling the Story of Filipino Louisiana: Folklore, History, and the Changing Significance of St. Malo.” Louisiana Folklore Society, Houma, LA, 23 Mar. 2019.

Goodwin, Jonathan. "Historicizing Quantitative Modernism." Modernist Studies Association, Toronto, Oct. 2019.

Graley, Lisa. "Marked and Marking: Treatments of the Body in AIDS Art." Humanities Education and Research Association, Philadelphia, March 5-8, 2019.

Honegger, Mark. “The Reflexivity of the Sign and Problems of Naming,” SECOL 2019, Boca Raton, FL.

---. ”Cross-Linguistic Differences on ‘Happiness’ and ‘Pain’,” LaTESOL 2019, Lafayette.

---. “Minimal English: Teaching Vocabulary Across Diverse Cultures,” SETESOL 2019, Orlando.

Ingram, Shelley. “James Hannaham’s Delicious Foods: Folklore, Life, Displacement, and Resistance.” American Folklore Society Annual Meetings, Baltimore.

Orr, Leah. “Laetitia Pilkington’s Authorial Identities.” International Congress on the Enlightenment and International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 15-19, 2019.

---. “The English Book Auction Market in 1719.” The Daniel Defoe Society Conference, York, UK, July 10-12, 2019.

Ryan, Laurel. “The Ghosts of Thomas D’Arcy McGee.” Text/Sound/Performance: Making in Canadian Space Conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 April 2019.

Seger, Maria, panelist, chair, and organizer. “The Poetics of Economies of Dispossession.” American Studies Association, Honolulu, Nov. 2019.

---.  “Maternal Filicide and the State in Women’s Progressive Era Short Fiction.” American Comparative Literature Association, Washington, March 2019.

Squires, David. “Catalogs of Violence,” Modern Languages Association, Chicago, Jan. 2019.

Stetco, Dayana. "Gender Games in the Plays of Harold Pinter." SCMLA, Little Rock, Oct. 2019.

Vaught, Jennifer. 2 conference presentations.

Invited Talks and Other Presentations

Beddok, Virgile. UL Lafayette English Department Symposium, Nov. 2019.

Castille, Conni. "Science on the Bayou," on the human and natural history of Lake Martin.

Feist, Michele I. EMCL 8, Tartu, Estonia, 29 June–5 July 2019).

Gonzales, Randy. “Filipinos in Louisiana.” Culture Lab Cooperative, Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, New Orleans, 19 May 2019.

McNally, John. Write on Hypertext! Reading and Fundraiser. Nov. 13, 2019.

Squires, David. “Universities of the Air, Libraries Without Walls,” Global South Conference, Lafayette.

Stetco, Dayana. presenter and workshop coordinator. "Physicists and Lunatics--A Discussion of Friedich Durrenmatt's play The Physicists." Lafayette Book Club, Dec. 2019.

---. "The Loneliness Pill--An Upcoming Milena Theatre Group Production," UL Lafayette English Department Symposium, Nov. 2019.

Public Readings

Alexander, Jessica. First Friday Reading Series, Georgia State University, Spring 2019.

Graley, Lisa. New Poems and Short Fiction, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA, March 2019.

Hoagland, Sadie. Three readings in three different states.

McDonald, James. UL Thursday Night Reading Series, Lafayette, 17 Oct. 2019.

Stetco, Dayana. Drama for the Stories Matter Series, Alexander Books, Lafayette, April 2019.

Other Awards

Graley, Lisa. Honorable Mention, "In the Deep December," Glimmer Train Family Matters Contest, Nov./Dec. 2019.

---. Teaching Award for Outstanding Support to a First-Year Student at Residential Life Academic Banquet, Feb. 27, 2019.